Untitled by Chris Aspland


ARTIST NOTES: This is the beginning of "the Boys" series I did for my Diploma Assessment. Its about the interaction of people in a group, about being together and apart within that group.

DIMENSIONS (Height - 50.50 cm X Width - 76.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Oil on Canvas
GENRE No Genre Entered
REGISTERED NRN # 000-3400-0138-01
COPYRIGHT © Chris Aspland


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Artist: Chris Aspland


Chris Aspland is a Victorian artist, living on the Surfcoast.

She completed her Diploma of Visual Arts through Box Hill TAFE in 2014, with a major in painting.

Her work is mostly themed around people, personal interactions and community connections. She works from real life and photos.

Chris had her first solo show in August 2017 titled "Canteen". 

She was a finalist in the Eutick Memorial Still Life Award in 2017 and 2018.

She had joint exhibitions with Leah Mariani in 2018, and Christine Lewis in 2020.

Also in 2020, she was awarded the Judges Choice at Albert Park College.

She has exhibited in a number of selected local show including Linden Postcards, Albert Park College, Belle Arti and a number or Rotarty shows.

Her work is represented in local and international collections.